About me
I am a Doctor in Linguistics who specializes in Data Science and Natural Language Processing. My research is focused on the analysis of language production data with a special focus on keystroke logs and typing patterns. I have recieved graduate-level training in Machine Learning, Information retrieval, Data Analysis and Statistics. I am also well-versed in multiple programming languages and NLP toolkits that I use on a daily basis in various research projects.
My dissertation focuses on the linguistic analysis of typing patterns, with the aim of understanding the relationship between how someone types and what they are typing. I am interested in how one can use computational techniques to investigate production in time in order to better understand the production processes at play and how they are influenced by the linguistic characteristics of the language being typed. For this project, I have set up experiments and collected large typing datasets thanks to funding I secured and devised my own Python scripts to analyze these datasets qualitatively and quantitatively, in order to create a production model of typing.